English Riding Programs
HUNT SEAT Equitation is taught under CHA professional instruction, as are all Valley View riding programs. Hunt Club has a separate riding ring and barn, and specially schooled lesson horses available to all girls, beginner to advanced. Classes are arranged according to riding ability and incorporated into her daily ranch program. Beginners learn to post first, and then move on to ground poles and cavalettis. As a rider gains confidence, she will practice equitation over fences in the ring. We have a “cross country” jumping course in the front field for riders who are advanced enough to move beyond the arena. For those who enjoy riding outside of the arena, we have a special “hunt trail” out in the woods, with natural log and rock jumps to explore. Campers also have an option to bring their own horse and enjoy a new companionship amid our mountain scenery.
Western Riding Programs
Stock Seat is Western Equitation. Upon arrival, each rancher is interviewed about their horse experience, and then has a riding try out from which they are assigned a horse according to her ability and preferences. You can also bring your own horse. Our foundation is built on years of raising Quarter Horses, but we offer many breeds and colors for all levels of riders. Experienced CHA instructors teach equitation and pleasure riding in the Brow Ring. Challenges increase with reining patterns, trail classes, obstacle courses and bareback equitation. Lessons, plus time in the saddle on trails, build each camper’s confidence, security in the saddle, and communication with her horse. Riding trails is practice for what you learn in your ring lessons!
The Pony Club is our special program for younger campers. Not only do they have their own horse, but also their own barn, tack room, and instructors. The Pony Club has beginner to advanced horses and riders. These girls can participate in all programs offered to older campers, and some created especially for them according to their age and ability. They learn to halter, groom, bridle and saddle, ride, and cool out their mount. Lessons, games, and trail rides are planned and supervised by our experienced professional CHA staff. Individualized programs are essential to the younger campers’ varied attention span, interests, and safety.
Training in Barrels teaches the horse and rider to work together as a precision unit. Our Certified Instructors teach the rider to use her head, hands, seat, and legs to communicate with her mount. Gymkhana games in the Rodeo Ring offer a challenge to ranchers of all ages and levels. Events start simply with cloverleaf, hairpin, Georgia barrels, pole bending, and stake race. With practice and coordination between horse and rider, campers can eventually advance to cross-country rodeo patterns.
Valley View Vaulters
Vaulters perform simple and experienced gymnastic maneuvers on “Heyoka”, our Belgian-Haflinger gentle giant, and our black and white Friesian paint, “Taj”. Stunts are executed holding the handles of the surcingle. One instructor teaches while the other lunges the horse in a circle. Vaulting is a great confidence builder. Practice begins on the vaulting barrel where campers learn basic seat, mount and dismount, and several stunts. More advanced moves are the flag, swan, stand, arabesque, prince and doubles tricks with a friend! Campers have even invented their own moves before. Vaulting is a safe and fun horsemanship challenge.
Enrollment for Vaulting is limited and required before January 1.